Duo Multi Factor Authentication to Be Required to Access UC Davis Canvas & Gradescope Online Grading Starting 6/20
In response to increasing information security threats in higher education, UC Davis Information and Educational Technology (IET) is expanding the use of two-step login (a.k.a. multi-factor authentication) on campus.
Starting Thursday, June 20, 2024, Duo two-step login will be required to access courses in UC Davis Canvas, the campus primary learning management system, and Gradescope, the online grading tool. This is the same login experience that many other university services use, including email and online storage.
When accessing UC Davis Canvas or Gradescope, members of the campus community will be prompted to verify their identity with their password, then use a physical device such as a mobile phone, tablet, or landline phone to complete the login.
Students, faculty, and staff who do not already use the two-step authentication method must enroll in Duo.
Click here to learn how to enroll a device in Duo.
Duo is UC Davis’s multi-factor authentication app which provides an additional layer of cyber security protection when Aggies access email, online storage, and other technology and university services.
We are expanding the use of two-step login across technology services to further protect the campus technology environment as well as your privacy and personal data. We chose this date for our transition to Duo for these instructional services to minimize the impact on instruction and learning activities on campus.
For questions, please contact IT Express at: https://iet.ucdavis.edu/support