Information & Educational Technology (IET) is committed to delivering reliable campus Wi-Fi that is critical to teaching, learning, and research activities at UC Davis. Started in 2022, Wi-Fi Refresh is a multi-year initiative that will enable fast, seamless connectivity for students, faculty, and staff as the technology needs of our campus continue to grow.
We recognize that Wi-Fi issues can be disruptive. IET teams are working to address these issues as quickly as possible once they are reported.
Steps IET is taking:
- Boost wireless capacity: install new wireless access points and replace older hardware. These changes are underway and will continue through the summer and next academic year.
- Prioritize wireless upgrades for high-traffic high-density buildings and outdoor locations.
- Use next-generation sensors to proactively review wireless volume that can replicate your wireless experience and address issues faster and more efficiently.
- Planning & discovery: technical assessment, strategic horizon in higher education.
UC Davis needs assessment: evaluation of campus buildings.
Equipment orders initiated. - PRIORITIZE & EXECUTE — FALL 2022
- Buildings prioritized in partnership with campus leadership.
Wireless capacity for Shields Library upgraded. - WI-FI IMPROVEMENTS CONTINUE — SPRING 2023
- Equipment replaced in the Mathematical Sciences building and Memorial Union; updates underway in the Student Community Center.
Intermittent Wi-Fi issues reported. Some issues are resolved & other issues are expected to be resolved with additional upgrades. - MORE WI-FI UPGRADES — SUMMER 2023
- Classroom Wi-Fi upgrades scheduled.
Building prioritization under review with input from campus.
Engagement with College of Letters & Science technology groups planned. - STRENGTHEN WI-FI ACCESS — FALL 2023
- High-traffic buildings prioritized, including the Activities & Recreation Center (ARC), the new Silo and others.
Planned wired infrastructure upgrades expected to boost Wi-Fi connectivity. - CONTINUED WI-FI ACCESS — SUMMER 2024
- Completed the replacement of wireless access points in several more buildings this summer.