Event Date

Eggheads, AI Metrics, SiteFarm Feedback and 3D!
Wednesday, June 5 from 2-3:30 P.M.
Web Workers,
You don't have amnesia, we definitely skipped the Winter meeting, but we have a good excuse! Our team got egged. We were buried in the 30th Egghead Anniversary project, but the good news is, we learned a ton and would like to share as many of those lessons as possible with this community!In addition to our Egghead war stories, we have great presentations on the new AI realities of metrics gathering, a step by step guide on how to accomplish a basic UX content audit, matching your stakeholder goals with user behavior and a quick review of your feedback on the SiteFarm article writing process, complete with easy fixes for many of your common issues. Looking forward to seeing you all!
  • MAINSTAGE: Virtual Eggheads - bringing interactive egghead sculptures online with Max Boyd
  • UXCITED: UX content audit workflow - Tom & Navneet
  • MAKE IT PRETTY: Unifying disparate designs to create contiguous Egghead Branding with Tom Watts
  • SITEFARM DEEPCUTS: Tell us how you really feel. SiteFarm feedback at a glance with Anthony Horn
  • JUST NO: Design for Stakeholders? NO! Design for Users to Achieve your Stakeholder Goals - Tristan
  • SEO YEAH: Redefining SEO Metrics After Google SGE with Tatiana Muniz
Zoom details for the meeting:

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